by Birmingham Orthodontics | Jul 17, 2018 | Orthodontics, Results
Invisalign is a discreet solution for creating the perfect smile. With its clear and flexible design, Invisalign treatment provides an avenue to straighter teeth with comfortable confidence at roughly the same cost as metal braces. Invisalign stands tall as the most...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Apr 1, 2018 | Orthodontics, Price / Finance
Tax season is upon us, and chances are, if you’re expecting a refund, you’ve already spent it. Vacations and electronics and outdoors equipment and so many fun things call out for that extra cash. But, this year, what if your tax return paid for something even...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Dec 6, 2017 | Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Quality, Results
Around this time of year, we do one of the most important things we can do for ourselves—make good New Year’s Resolutions. Self-reflection and motivation are our keys to success! Perhaps confidence has been on your list for a few years, and you know your smile is...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Dec 5, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Results
There’s a chill in the air, the leaves are changing colors, holiday music is beginning to swell all around us. It’s finally that special time of year, when we gather our loved ones close around the fire and… think about open enrollment in insurance plans? Yes, while...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Sep 15, 2017 | Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Quality, Results
Sometimes nerves get the best of us, even when we know something is for the best. If you’re considering braces but you’re feeling intimidated about the process, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about what getting braces is really like. Though the...
by Hillary Darby | Sep 10, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Quality, Results
There is nothing more fulfilling than watching your child grow, hitting milestones and learning new things every day. As your child’s teeth come in, however, you may be wondering if they will one day need braces—how will you know when and if that time comes? Kids...
by Hillary Darby | Aug 15, 2017 | Orthodontics, Results
Let’s be honest—getting braces is kind of a big deal. When a kid in your life gets braces, it can be a monumental time for everyone! You get excited for their bright future full of confident, healthy smiles, but of course it may not be as easy for them to gear up for...
by Hillary Darby | Aug 14, 2017 | Orthodontics, Results
A new school year opens you up to all kinds of new possibilities: new teachers, friends, activities, and memories. And if you’re starting this year with new braces, you’ll want to make sure those memories don’t include any embarrassing orthodontic faux-paus! Don’t...
by Hillary Darby | Aug 5, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Orthodontics
When you first get braces, it’s important to learn all the facts—what foods you need to avoid, how to properly brush between brackets, how to wear rubber bands, and more. This kind of knowledge will keep you on the fast track to a straight, sparkling smile! But it...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 22, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Results
Humans love—and have always loved—chewing gum. If you read our post about the weird ways we used to clean our teeth, you’ll remember some of the ways people have been getting their freshening fix for centuries: tree sap, sweet grass, and wax to name a few. It’s no...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 20, 2017 | Convenience, Orthodontics, Results
We talk a lot about the power of smiling here at Birmingham Orthodontics because we believe it can’t be understated. Did you know, for example, that smiling boosts your mood, your immune system, and relieves stress? We love smiles, and as we work on our own, we want...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 15, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Orthodontics, Results
If you’re taking the opportunity this summer to binge watch some of the hottest shows you missed during the school year, you may have noticed a trend—we love stories set in ancient and historical times. It’s easy to fall in love with these worlds: kings and queens,...