At Birmingham Orthodontics, we realize that accidents can happen and we also understand that you cannot control when a bracket might break. Therefore, we try to always be prepared for you regardless of timing. Our office sets aside multiple appointment times each morning to be able to work you into our schedule as quickly as possible in case of any broken brackets or other possible issues. Typically, even if one of our offices is not seeing patients on that day, we will have an orthodontic assistant in our office who is available to assist to help make you comfortable.
You are also welcome to be seen at any of our open locations in the case of an emergency visit. Call our office as soon as you are aware of the issue, and we will do our best to work you into our schedule on the same day or the next morning. What is most important is that you are not experiencing any discomfort. Your orthodontic treatment will not be impacted if you are able to be seen within a week of anything breaking. If you are not uncomfortable, then do not stress over needing to be seen immediately.
If an emergency occurs after our regular business hours and you feel that the discomfort to too much to handle until the next day, we have staff and a doctor that is on call after hours, on weekends, and even on holidays. If you do need to reach us after hours, call our office and wait for our voicemail where you can leave a call back number. One of our on-call assistants will call you back in a timely manner to learn about your concern, provide any possible home remedy solutions, and help you come to a comfortable solution.
HOOVER: (205) 584-4030
TRUSSVILLE: (205) 583-1935
ALABASTER: (205) 651-2960
GREYSTONE: (205) 308-9407
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