by Birmingham Orthodontics | Apr 18, 2019 | Customer Service, Results
If you’re wondering if it’s time to get braces for your child, you may be hearing conflicting advice from friends and family. It’s an important decision for your child’s oral health because if they get braces too early, they run the risk of needing them again down the...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Sep 19, 2018 | Customer Service, Orthodontics
There can be a lot of unknowns when making the decision to get braces for your child or yourself. How much will braces cost? How long will it take to get the braces put on? How frequent are adjustments? How long will the entire process take? Can you chew gum when you...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Aug 13, 2018 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Quality
Most of the posts here on our blog offer helpful braces tips or information that helps you decide among different treatment options. This post is a little bit different. We want to pull back the curtain and share a bit about our business. It’s important to know the...
by Birmingham Orthodontics | Dec 5, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Results
There’s a chill in the air, the leaves are changing colors, holiday music is beginning to swell all around us. It’s finally that special time of year, when we gather our loved ones close around the fire and… think about open enrollment in insurance plans? Yes, while...
by Hillary Darby | Sep 10, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Quality, Results
There is nothing more fulfilling than watching your child grow, hitting milestones and learning new things every day. As your child’s teeth come in, however, you may be wondering if they will one day need braces—how will you know when and if that time comes? Kids...
by Hillary Darby | Aug 20, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Quality, Results
We understand the dilemma many parents may face when it comes to early orthodontic treatment for their young ones—you want to make sure your child gets the best treatment possible, but you also fear wasting time and money if your child’s teeth are just going to...
by Hillary Darby | Aug 5, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Orthodontics
When you first get braces, it’s important to learn all the facts—what foods you need to avoid, how to properly brush between brackets, how to wear rubber bands, and more. This kind of knowledge will keep you on the fast track to a straight, sparkling smile! But it...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 22, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Price / Finance, Results
Humans love—and have always loved—chewing gum. If you read our post about the weird ways we used to clean our teeth, you’ll remember some of the ways people have been getting their freshening fix for centuries: tree sap, sweet grass, and wax to name a few. It’s no...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 15, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Orthodontics, Results
If you’re taking the opportunity this summer to binge watch some of the hottest shows you missed during the school year, you may have noticed a trend—we love stories set in ancient and historical times. It’s easy to fall in love with these worlds: kings and queens,...
by Hillary Darby | Jul 10, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Quality, Results
You’ve heard of overbites, underbites, and crossbites; you or your child may even be suffering from one of these conditions—but how exactly do you know which is which? It may seem difficult to keep these terms straight in your head, but fortunately they aren’t...
by Hillary Darby | May 19, 2017 | Convenience, Customer Service, Orthodontics, Results
Spring can be a busy time, whether you’re studying for final exams, planning out a summer vacation, or diving into a deep clean. Of course, it’s hard to stay focused on anything else when you develop a canker sore. Stress is thought to be one of the main causes of...
by Hillary Darby | May 12, 2017 | Customer Service, Orthodontics, Quality
Take a moment to think about how much your mom has done for you. It’s a lot, isn’t it? Especially when it comes to your smile—she’s taught you how to take great care of your teeth and encouraged you to do it (even when you really didn’t want to), she’s taken you to...